sqlite3 is the main file extension associated with the version Sqlite 3 where database is a small C-library used by multiple applications. sqlite extension stores the WhatsApp messages database in encrypted form. It is used by Mozilla Firefox to store data and backups. sqlite-journal is associated with web Opener based on Gecko web layout engine. This is a shared memory file and only exists when Sqlite is working on Write Ahead Log (WAL) mode. sqlite-shm is related to Sqlite relational database for multiple platforms. sqlite format is the default file extension for Sqlite database. Let us get acquainted with the multiple file extensions of the Sqlite database. Sqlite database file types and file extensions, which are used to store the database, vary according to the different versions of the application on which it is implemented. With no requirement for an administrator and no dependency on a server, the Sqlite database is much more reliable and robust as compared to SQL. However, Sqlite is not always used as a relational database. Sqlite database is written in ANSI C and is stored in tables containing a number of fields and data types that can easily be accessed on any system supporting Sqlite with the help of SQL commands.
Sqlite is a widely accepted relational database management system to be embedded in software applications on a varied platform owing to its zero configuration and transaction oriented database engine.
A Comprehensive Insight Into File Extensions of Sqlite